About Satori World Medical

With the rising cost of health care within the United States quite apparent, Satori® World Medical offers people an alternative approach to arranging medical treatment. The company, headquartered in San Diego, California, and led by President and CEO Steven Lash, relies on a global network of hospitals to help reduce the cost of health care for individuals, insurers, employers, and financial sponsors. Through its Quality Assurance Program™, Satori World Medical seeks out the finest facilities around the world to minimize the economic burden on patients. The network offers medical services in Thailand, India, Costa Rica, Mexico, Singapore, Canada, and several other countries. With its approach, the company continues to serve as a leader in the globalization of health care. As medical and technological improvements are made throughout the world, many countries can offer advanced medical care without an inflated price. Satori World Medical takes advantage of this reality through its Health & Shared Wealth Program™. The company boasts a savings of 40-80% on surgical procedures compared to traditional domestic options. The cost includes airfare, hospital and physician fees, hotel accommodations, foreign ground transportation, and a personal accident insurance policy for the patient and a companion. Employers can share these savings with their employee (the patient) through options such as depositing a portion of the savings into a Health Reimbursement Account (HRA) or providing meal per diems while the patient is traveling for surgery. Utilizing an HRA allows for reimbursement to an employee for qualified medical expenses and can be compatible with a qualified Health Savings Account or other model. In addition to cost savings, Satori World Medical strives to provide comprehensive customer service. Through the use of technology and highly trained staff, the firm offers patients an uncomplicated route for scheduling and receiving treatment. After a patient registers via its website or calls, a Nurse Patient Advocate from Satori will make contact to discuss the entire medical treatment process. Next, a Travel Care Coordinator will arrange all logistics of travel and the procedure. Once the date has arrived, patients will be greeted at the airport, escorted to the hotel, and checked in to the hospital the following day. Finally, once the procedure is completed and travel is authorized, patients will return home and consult with their local physician.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Understanding necrotizing fasciitis: Causes and treatment

Necrotizing fasciitis, or flesh-eating disease, is a terrifying medical condition caused by several kinds of bacteria, one of which is Staphylococcus aureus. The disease is called as such because the bacteria involved produce toxins that eat through skin, fat, and tissue in a short span of time.

Image Source: footdoctorsnj.com

Although it is a fairly rare disease, it is a very deadly one, with 1 in every 4 cases resulting in death. It is not yet known why the same bacteria behind strep throat and skin infections can have this destructive power, but the flesh-eating disease results when these bacteria enter the body through open wounds, mosquito bites, bruises, and burns. The disease can be passed from person to person through close physical contact.

WebMD.com states that the following have a higher risk of getting the disease:

• Those who have weak immune systems

• Those who have cuts, burns, or wounds

• Those who have chronic health problems, including cancer or liver disease

Image Source: adventuresweightloss.com

To prevent necrotizing fasciitis from spreading, patients are advised to inform their doctors early on in case of the following:

• Physical contact with a person who has the disease

• Swelling of the wound or cut

• Fever, chills, nausea, and vomiting a few hours after the injury occurred

• Diarrhea

Image Source: celiacdiseaseinchildren.biz

For treatments to be effective, the disease has to be diagnosed and treated early. Treatments include removing infected tissue and fluids, prescribing medicines and antibiotics to kill the bacteria, and performing amputation or organ removal in severe cases to save the patient’s life.

The simple habit of keeping open wounds clean can go a long way in preventing this deadly disease.

More health tips and information about how medical travel can help you can be found at Satori World Medical’s official website.

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